


老师不在, 我们可是没皇管,哈哈!!练习的时候,当然会练习,只是却没有在共享空间练习时那般拘谨、约束。。。大家都很放开,很无法无天,哈哈!!要休息就休息,要停下来看别人跳都可以。。。大家都是有说有笑的。。。象联络感情多过像练习,哈哈!虽然很自由,可是大家都会同心协力的练舞、讨论不明白的地方。。。会的人会主动去教不熟悉的人,而不熟悉的人,也会很积极的在练习着。。。。务必把每个动作都做好。。。不放过任何一个小细节。。。

Actually, all of us work quite hard, just this period is the only time we can rest a bit, because we knew that started from this Sunday, we have to practice every night with the exception of Fri… Most of them are working, it’s difficult for them to endure, every night going back at midnight time and then must wake up early in the morning to work…. But, I can see that all of us really appreciate this opportunity…. Although sometimes we act like playful, but deep inside we are serious……hahaaa!!

哈哈!老师不在,我们可是快活多了。。。可是,如果有老师的指点,我们会学得更多、进步的更快。。。。all of us have put a lot of effort to learn to practice it…… Gambateh!!

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